The content of BRITE Autowheels’ web pages is protected with copyright. Copying and using wallpapers and screensavers are permitted to be used for non-commercial purposes without further consent. The duplication and distribution of the web pages are prohibited and constitute unlawful conduct unless you have prior approval from BRITE Autowheels.
We have a comprehensive assistance program at BRITE ŠKODA; it is designed to help our customers’ peace of mind. Our team assists in motoring emergencies, from immobilization due to breakdown to minor emergencies such as punctures. You can rely on our roadside assistance program, whatever the situation, and wherever you happen to be.
Internet, Software
BRITE Autowheels and its representatives shall not be held accountable for any damage caused by using this presentation, published information, and software offered to download.
Data, Photographs
BRITE Autowheels reserves the right to change prices, colors, and technical data of the described and displayed models. All the photographs of top-class models, including extra supplies, are used in the graphics. The authors of the server have the right to report errors and inaccuracy.
BRITE Autowheels’ products are either subject to copyright or trademark rights. The symbols, logos, and emblems of BRITE Autowheels are preserved under the terms of industrial copyright, trademark, or fair competition legislation. The other products’ name and symbols mentioned herein may be protected trademarks or brand names of the respective owners.